
PC-Laptop-Repair Ottawa


Windows Virus Removal: Expert removal of viruses, malware, and other malicious software from Windows-based PCs to restore system integrity and protect personal data. We go a step beyond, let’s make sure this doesn’t happen again. Clear System Restore, Clear Swap File, add Malwarebytes, continue as listed below.

Temporary Files Cleanup: Thorough cleanup temporary files and cache to free up disk space and optimize system performance, enhancing the speed and responsiveness of the PC.

Bios Updates: Check-add Manufacturers hardware Bios and driver updates.

System Updates: Ensuring that the Windows operating system is up-to-date with the latest security patches, bug fixes, and feature updates to maintain system stability and security.

Software Updates: Updating installed software applications to their latest versions to ensure compatibility, security, and optimal performance, reducing vulnerability to potential exploits.

Fix System Errors: Identifying and fixing system errors, glitches, and performance issues to improve overall system reliability and user experience.

Upgrade Hardware: Providing hardware upgrade services to enhance PC performance and capabilities, such as upgrading RAM, replacing hard drives with SSDs for faster boot times and improved responsiveness, or installing more powerful processors.

Upgrade Software: Assisting with the upgrade of software applications to newer versions or alternative solutions to take advantage of new features, improved performance, and enhanced security.


Techville .CA

By Appointment Only

(613) 276-9066

Ottawa, Canada

Since 1997

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Watch “Is your tech repair shop spying on you? “Marketplace” on YouTube

Click to Watch on YouTube